When I went to CIMB yesterday, I was impressed with one of the Toyota Camry driver who parked her car in the narrow lot, the car park lot was at the same row where I parked my car. It sounds so 'sakai' for me to get impressed but it was a lady driver, the parking lot is small as front and back were occupied by Hilux. And Toyota Camry is quite big ehh.. I was really said Whoaaaaaa... I knew the pedestrians passing by must be like aduiiii..sakainya!
Then she walked out from her Camry, she dressed up like a gentleman; a polo T and jeans. She opened the door for the friend at the passenger seat. She closed the door for her then they walked heading to CIMB building and her hand was at her waist. Awwwww.. such a romantic couple!! (But awkward for straight people like me).
It remind me something that I'd gone through and it was not normal.
When I just finished highschool (Form 5), while waiting for SPM result, I was working as a trainee in one of the resort and there was this guy by the name of Ray. He's very good looking, funny and sweet talking type. He used to flirt and flirt and flirt.. honestly, an innocent girl like I was used to get entertained by him and we used to have a long chat near the basketball court till midnight. That basketball court was sport light equipped and always occupied by not so skillful players till the sport light is off (it used timer). Of course.. I didn't get attention by the kampungs' basketball players as I was look below average, dark, out of trend, silly etc etc... you name it, lol... pendek kata teda rupa langsung.. hitam ja kulit lebih kurang mcm anak pilak terbiar.. sandiiih!!! Well, fresh school leaver mmg gelap bah.. selalu ada activity dibawah matahari (kasi sinang hati sendiri)
So, since there was non of the not-skillful-basketball-players attracted to me, Ray was way too outstanding in my eyes, my ear, my heart and my brain hahahaa.. He was 21 by then; working as a DJ.
Fast forward... after weeks of chit-chat where we talked about fav songs, food and stuffs like books, guitar etc.. we decided to go out to town for shopping. So, the day was filled by fun activity like buying clothes, sitting in the cafe and we went to the games centre for fake drift, lol.. buang karan betul!!! I didn't even have my driving license that time :(
Then almost one whole day at the town, time to go home and I had to take another bus to go home. He sent me to the bus station, that time the terminal was just behind the Centre Point (now Warisan Square). He put his left hand on my shoulder, then I wrapped by right hand to his waist. Awwwww!!! It was the first time his hand on me but it was not romantic, I had an electrical shocked. His body was like wrapped by some kind of thick elastic thing underneath his blue checked shirt. I was really sure it was. I went in to the bus with fake smiles and my heart was beating fast. I was emotionless for minutes and i think it was more to confused feeling and I knew that I had to accept the reality, he is a girl NOT a boy and not a man.
After a week, I bumped into her again and it wasn't hard for me to act like a normal friend. She said hi I smiled and my eyes was looking at her throat side, nothing like a man.. I expected that after that day. To cure the awkwardness, I never visited the basketball court anymore, I knew that she expected me to be there, she called my workplace once but I briefed my trainers and other colleagues that I didn't want to accept any phone calls except from my parents.
That was the end of the friendship. Although she was more handsome than Lindsay Lohan's ex Samantha Ronson, lol.. I really against to "extend" that kind of relationship. I only live once hahahaa
This post is solely about me, not related to anyone who choose to be with lesbian. My blog is like my diary.
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